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🔮 Ongoing Projects – Beautiful Code #18
I’m bringing you some immersive web experiences—websites that are incredibly complex in terms of development and feature spectacular designs. To create such websites, developers often rely on JavaScript technologies and Canvas, using libraries like Three.js.
⏳ Countdown – Beautiful Code #15
Only two weeks left until the end of the year, and just two newsletters remaining (this one and next week’s). So far, creating this newsletter has been an enriching experience, as every week I discover new tools and resources that could help me in future projects. Additionally, reviewing and searching for cool websites opens my mind and sparks ideas when designing and developing websites.
📷 Content is important – Beautiful Code #14
This December has been super busy for me. It always happens at the end of the year—I get a lot of work, and I barely have time for anything. Does this happen to you too? I’m really looking forward to the Christmas holidays to rest and disconnect a bit
✨ Improving – Beautiful Code #13
This week, you’ll notice some new things in the newsletter.One of them was already implemented in the previous newsletter by adding a “Check it out” button. I believe this makes it clearer that the websites, resources, tools, and code snippets have links to access them.